truth seeking method which is called as Occams razor is a principle attributed
to the English logician and philosopher William of Ockham. It says that the
explanation of any phenomenon should have as less guesses as possible.
According to science it is like, the fewer the assumptions the better it is.
use Occam’s razor as a tool when they develop theoretical models. However in
science the preference for simplicity in the scientific method is based on the
falsifiability criterion. Simple theories are preferred than more complex ones
because their level of testability is much higher. Another reason why simple
theories are chosen over complex ones is because for each explanation of
phenomenon that is accepted, there are a large number of possibilities with
much more complex alternatives.
better understand this, an example will be of great help, once when you wake up
in the dark of the night after having heard a sound in the kitchen and on
investigating you find a sharp knife on the floor, you immediately get a rapid
set of images of what happened or how it happened. For now, let us take to
explanations. The first explanation is that the knife fell on the floor because
it was not hung/ put on the rack properly. The second explanation is that the
house is haunted by the ghost of the previous occupant who killed himself/
herself by using the same type of knife and that his spirit which still tires
to reach for a knife and in the process, it falls down on the ground.
when we test these two explanations we find that it is much more reasonable to
go with the first explanation rather that the second. The first explanation makes only one simple assumption saying that the
knife wasn’t placed properly. Coming to the second explanation we see that
there are many assumptions that are made. Assumptions such as life after death,
that spirits exist, that spirits haunt human beings after having left the human
beings body ……. and so on. All these cannot be tested and hence it seems much
more reasonable to go with the first explanation rather than the second.
same analogy can be applied to the existence of all things including us namely
the rationalist evolutionary explanation and the creationist intelligent design
explanation. I support Mukul Sharma’s opinion, because he says that God made
everything. This truth is so simple and clear.
first explanation assumes that an unexplainable Big Bang when nothingness
exploded to create space, time energy and matter that gave rise to nebulae,
galaxies, stars and planets. In this explanation, there are a million
assumptions out of which most can’t even be properly tested. In the second
explanation, it is quite simply put: God made everything. There is only one
assumption here i. e. there is a Creator. There is no choice at all as to how
the Occam razor principle should operate here.
one assumption along with 3 other sub- assumption is the biggest even made by
any human in the history of humanity and hence science doesn’t let this
principle guide it in this case. The magnanimity of this assumption is so vast
that it automatically subsumes all other assumptions, including the millions of
assumptions of the rationalist evolutionary explanation by a degree of
infinity. The only way is to start believing in faith.