A journalist is
basically a person who reports things which happen locally, nationally and globally
to the public. What the journalist puts down first is what is called as the
first draft of history and hence he is the primary historian. Historians
constantly blend news which finally becomes part of it. News is news only if it
is credible and believed. SIDE always influences the way in which events are
recorded. Selection, Interpretation, Distortion and Emphasis.
Media which has existed
from the beginning has two functions:
society means faithfully reporting events as they unfold. Eg. The Twin tower
attacks. Media setting agenda has to do with the social responsibility. We see
that the 20th and 21st century mass media journalistic
practices falsely produced history which created consequences and chains of
events which otherwise wouldn’t have taken place.
Power of media
you pick up the newspaper or put on the TV do you see what you want to read or
see or do you see what the media people want you to see? Commercialization is
used by the media to twist the actual event and the final intention is to
mislead the public. For eg. When the newsperson says that 4 terrorists were
shot dead by the army at the border, we do really believe that it happened
because we have no other means of checking whether it truly happened. TV enjoys
a de facto monopoly on what goes into
the heads of the public and what they think. The hidden agendas of the media
often prevent the audience from understanding the true meaning of an event that
has taken place.
World War I and Cold War
the beginning, the World War I has been seen as a commercial operation by Karl
Krauss which was desired and run by those who could profit by it. To make the
unacceptable acceptable the journalists of that time told lies. The entry of
the media into the picture meant the death of the public imagination and their
confusion through the commercialization of language for purposes of cheating,
control and profit. Many negative events that occur are shown as something
positive and it acts as an advertisement for the company.
misleading term ‘Cold War’ was invented by a Western journalist. This term has
been used to cover up a series of actual hot wars where millions were killed.
The use of this term actually distracted media audiences from the really
important issues. A children’s comic strip named ‘Tintin in the land of the
Soviets’ came out during this time which was used as propaganda against the
USSR. This story made the Western citizens convinced that they had to either
agree with or at least consent to it and remain passive. To give an Indian
example let us take the ‘Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan’. The way it is portrayed by
the media, it appears as if all the roads and buildings have been cleant. So
also the mythical heroes which are portrayed in the cartoons like Chhota Bheem,
Ramayana and others, it leaves a deep impact on the minds of those watching it
(especially children).
Rise of Fascism and the ‘Fall’ of
Berlin Wall
way we look at the world depends on the way in which media presents it to us.
The mass murder at Auschwitz was possible because of the mass murder of
language which took place in the media. The press is an event creating, death
bringing organization of moral and spiritual irresponsibility which by means of
the fascination of the printed word is able to divert attention from the danger
it represents says Krauss. Mr. Narendra Modi, the one because of whom the
Gujarat riots took place, won the elections because he was shown as the new
face of change (Acche din aane waale hein) in the media. Since it was
constantly repeated on news channels and in the newspapers it entered in the
minds of people who eventually ended up voting for him, thinking that he truly
would be the change that they wanted to see.
Berlin Wall event was witnessed by thousands who were at the spot and by
millions across the world on TV however a distorted image was immediately
created in favor of the power elites like West Germany and USA which remains
fixed in popular memory. This story said that the East German people rose up
against their dictatorial government and stormed the Berlin Wall. What actually
happened was the result of the USA dominated global geopolitics.
War in the Balkans and 9/11
the TV report on how the media handled the war in the Balkans which is in south
Eastern Europe, the audience was deprived of the truth. Through all that was
said the audience didn’t know how many deaths were caused by the person who was
giving the information on the war. The economic reason was that the people
would turn off the TV if the reality of the war was shown. The political reason
was that the people would immediately turn against a war if it was shown in the
real sense. This would lead to less sales of the leading arms manufacturing and
exporting countries namely USA and UK.
9/ 11 event was shown as a conflict between good and evil to which the BBC lent
itself as a mouthpiece for US propaganda. The programs led the people to accept
that military action in Iraq was justified. The war was presented in such a way
that it appeared as a continuing ‘war on terrorism’ and that Iraq was the ‘axis
of evil’. Only after thousands were slaughtered and many others were injured
i.e. the ‘liberation of Iraq’ that the true story was revealed (the deception
of the public by its leaders). Barkha Dutt a well-known journalist who was
reporting the 26/ 11 attacks frequently said ‘The Taj, the icon of India is
under attack.’ All of us very well know that the Taj is not the icon of India.
To add to it, there was hardly any mention about VT station where thousands were
we have seen and heard, media has a massive role to play in informing,
educating and entertaining the public, all the more in a democracy. Media can
be used by people in power to promote their point of view or to show something
that is not true. Good people can be made villains and those with a criminal
history can be portrayed as saviors of a nation or as the new face of change by
the media. Aleksandar Zograf, the one who survived the bombs in the Balkans
gives a wonderful insight: “I should say again and again, that we are living in
a savage world, hiding behind the happy face of mass communication.” I would
like to end by saying that we need to accept the things that are portrayed by
the media always with a pinch of salt and a critical mindset.
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